Catholic and Protestant Baptism

Common Features and Differences

As an important ritual of the Christian faith, baptism is closely connected with the traditional stories of the prophet John the Baptist, who is said to have lived in Jesus’ lifetime. John baptised people in the River Jordan, located at the present-day border between Israel and Jordan in the Middle East. Baptism and water were symbols of people’s confession of past sins and return to the right track in life. One day, Jesus and some of his disciples are said to have come to John to have themselves baptised.

In pictures representing the baptism of Jesus, almost always a dove can be seen that is said to have come from heaven. It is a sign of the Holy Spirit who descended on Jesus after his baptism. And a voice from heaven is said to have announced that Jesus was the Son of God.

It is also written in the Bible how Jesus himself contributed to baptism becoming an important ritual in the Church.   At the end of the gospel of Saint Matthew, Jesus calls on his disciples to go out to all nations to baptise and teach them. 

  • Article no.: 46500942
  • Targetgroups: Sek I,GS
  • Length: 26:19 min
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